This latest series happened by accident. I do a plein air retreat the last week of August. We do sunrise to sunset & everything in between. One sunset was – less than stellar but- The Light on the Grass was Amazing! It opened a whole new world to me. Grass moves, it dances, it bobs it works individually and as a group. This series moves from what I would term as detailed observation to total abstraction. my fall goal was masking fluid experiments and SGAFFITO! this series is totlaly – happily about that.
I am working; in watercolour with masking fluid, acrylic with masking fluid as well as palette knives, scratching tools ( combs, shishkebob sticks) as well as dowels for dots. These paintings as a process were me looking at the challenges of individuality as well as community, groups of one type intersecting with other totally different groups, new life – timid -to large & bold , to the aged endings – withered. Grass is a metaphor for Humans, for music, for movement for life. Can we navigate through the Grass, find our fellow groups & thrive?
White Flowery Meadow , XXVI, 10.5 x 7.5 acrylic, 08/10/2022 $50/70
wheels of time over meadow watercolour small
Weeds in sunrise 10 x 14 , 2022 $60/80
vibrations Acrylic 8 x8 stretched canvases completed 30/9/2022 I $50
Twinkling Night Meadow, XIV, 10 x 9.5 panel board Completed 5/10/2022 $60
Time Passages, XX, 17 x 17 watercolour resist on paper, 5/10/2022 $100/130
Thistley meadow 8 x 10, watercolour, 2022 $70/50
Thistle abound 11x 16, watercolour, 2022 $120/80
thistle meadow watercolour 8 x 10 $50/70
Tall flags of grass 9 x11 watercolour, $40/60
Sunset Expanse, Rhythms in Grass , VI Acrylic 8 x8 stretched canvases completed 30/9/2022 I $50
Sun Passing over a Meadow, XVII, 8.5 x 3.5, watercolour , 5/10/2022 $25/45
singing grass watercolour on paper 8×8 $40
Star Wheel Turns, XXX, 5.5. x 5.5, watercolour, 10/10/2022 $20/40
Star Song, XXVII, 5.5. x 5.5, watercolour, 10/10/2022 $20/40
Star Shine On Grasses, XXVIII, 5.5. x 5.5, watercolour, 10/10/2022 $20/40
Singing Acres XV, 10 x 6, watercolour 2/10/2022 $25/45
Night Stars Twinkle on a Meadow, XIX, 8 x 19, watercolour on paper 5/10/2022 $60/80
Night Stars & Meadow Flowers , XXV, 10.5 x 7.5 acrylic on paper , 08/10/2022 $50/70
Michael’s Universe, watercolour on paper framed 16 x 23 framed 2022 $200/160
Linear ragweed grass dance, watercolour 8 x 10 2022 $70/50
furrows 2, acylic on paper 8 x8 , 30/9/2022 $40/60