This show encompasses several ways of seeing the Rhythm and Harmony of the Earth; through Graphs depicting seismic activity and human Capitalism,
Graph of Capitalism II acrylic on stretched canvas 12 x 12, 2014 $100
Graph of Capitalism III
acrylic on stretched canvas 12 x 12, 2014 $100
Graph of Capitalism I acrylic on stretched canvas 12 x 12, 2014 $100
SOLD Graph of Lust to Envyacrylic on wood panel, 11 x 9 , 2014, $75
Graph II; Ocean’s Pulse acrylic on wood panel, 11 x 9 , 2014, $75
SOLD Graph I: Earth’s Pulse, acrylic on wood panel, 11 x 9 , 2014, $75
paintings loosely representing activity in the water of our Gulf Stream,
Turbulent Gulf Stream, acrylic on stretched canvas, 24 x 36, 2014 $300
Extreme Turbulence , acrylic on canvas, 18 x 24, 2014, $200
Water Dervish , acrylic on canvas 10 x 10 , 2014 $75
the Earth in close up, or macro view, of rock and mineral specimens and the largest views of Earth through space technology called Landsats.
These last two groups take up the bulk of the show, investigating the relationship between the far off landscape, from outer space called a Landsat, and the extreme close up view of a landscape through the exploration of minerals and rock specimens. There is a correlation between these two viewpoints.
Tiger Iron, acrylic, modelling paste on stretched canvas, 36 x 24, 2014, $300
Labradorite, acrylic and modelling paste on stretched canvas, 36 x36, 2014, $600
Bumblebee Jasper Sun, acrylic ,rust, & modelling paste on stretched canvas, 22 x 28, 2014, $300
Tiger’s Eye of Iron, acrylic on modelling paste on canvas, 2014, 8 x8 x1.5, $150
Bumblebee Jasper Landscape , acrylic, modelling paste on canvas , 24 x 24, $200
Bumblebee Jasper: Universes, acrylic on board, 24×36, 2014 $300
Bumblebee Jasper III, acrylic and modelling paste , 24 x 12, 2014 , $250
Agate, acrylic on canvas, 8 x 8 x 1.5, 2014, $150_
SOLD Fluorite Slab in Blue, acrylic and modelling paste on stretched canvas, 16 x16 , 2014
Crazy Lace Agate II, acrylic on canvas 12 x 16 , 2014 $150
SOLD Amythst in Calcite , acrylic and molding past on board, framed 10 x 10 , 2014 $55
Bumblebee Jasper II, acrylic , rust and modelling paste on stretched canvas, 24 x12, 2014 $250
SOLD Maroon Fluorite Landscape , acrylic on board framed, 8 x 6 , 2014, $65
SOLD Miniature Purple Fluorite Slab , acrylic on board, framed 11 x9 , 2014, $75
Noreena Jasper , acrylic on stretched canvas, 16 x 16 , 2014 $ 175
Septarian Nodule , acrylic on modelling past, stretched canvas, 16 x 12, 2014, $150
Rainforest Jasper , acrylic rust, roof shingle, and modelling paste on stretched canvas, 36 x 48 , 2014, $800
Fluorite Slab, acrylic, modelling paste on stretched canvas, 36 x 24 x 2, 2014 $350
Bumblebee Jasper, acrylic and modelling paste on canvas, 16 x 16, 2014, $200
Crazy Lace Agate, acrylic on canvas, 12″ x 36″, 2016
Compare Bathurst Island and Iron Stone, there are striking similarities in composition, colour, line, form, texture and space. The way they are painted is also very similar with the build up of modeling paste, to create the extreme textured relief and adhesion of inclusions of detritus and then washes of acrylic paint pooled on to the textured surface.
Iron Stone , acrylic and modelling paste on stretched canvas , 8 x8 , 2014 $200
Bathurst Island , Northern Canada 24 x 36 acrylic on canvas stretched over board with plastic and other detritus $400
The views are not exactly the same in the sense that the rock samples are more pristine and mostly unaltered by man, compared to what we see from outer space. Mankind has altered and changed much of the view of our planet. Pollution, clear cutting and industrialization are evident in some of the paintings and the titles also reflect my own opinions on our “process of change.” To further this comparison I have works that are based on the overdevelopment of our land compared with paintings based on truly microscopic views of man made items like caffeine or the computer chips. Compare Lake Ontario: Planting Suburbs, Computer Chip and Caffeine all are highly organized and reflect our very busy nature.
Planting Suburbs; Lake Ontario 24 x 24 acrylic on canvas stretched over board with mirror, plastic and other detritus $300
The purpose of this show is to help regain our sense of Wonder and Harmony with what naturally occurs without our help and how we affect that Rhythm through our constant need for “extremely organizing nature“. This show helps to remind us of the Bigger and smaller Picture. 2014-2019