Unlikely Spoon Collection-2015-19

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Emergency Spoonsby Lauren McKinley Renzetti
SOLD Emergency Spoons, spoons, acrylic, rope, Letraset, metal tape ,pins, 8×8 x 1.5, 2015 $125 (3)
Spoons with Attitudeby Lauren McKinley Renzetti
SOLD Spoons with Attitude, spoons, nails, screws, paint, wire , 8x 10x 2, 2015, $100 (2)

Unlikely Spoon Collection

I am part of the Group classified as the 1% or the people of the Haves. I have shelter, food, clothes, family, a job, health and wealth. The Syrian crisis led me to thinking about the two main classes:  the HAVES and the HAVENOTS. Spoon Collections reside in many homes collecting dust, always unused. This is a testament to being a Haves. If this  spoon collection  never gets used, then why not make it out of very unlikely materials; hair, nails, volcanoes, the moon, toxic waste, and concrete etc.  This is the beginning  thought process for these works.  They are conceptual,  silly, dark  and commenting on what us Capitalist Haves spend  our hard earned money on.   -August 2016

Unlikely  Suicide Spoon Collection, mixed media, 2015 www.laurenmckinleyrenzetti.ca
Unlikely Suicide Spoon Collection, mixed media, 2015

Time has eroded this piece. I kept it as such as death is rarely pretty. All of these deaths are sad and violent. Some art is not beautiful and is hard to look at. We need to face these aspects of our life head on. We need to have these difficult conversations.

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