Earth’s Harmony: Recent Paintings

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Date(s) - 01/06/2014 - 07/09/2014
All Day

Neighbourhood Unitarian Universalist Congregation


Neighbourhood Gallery South

at Neighbourhood Unitarian Universalist Congregation ,

79 Hiawatha Avenue Toronto Ontario M4L 2X7


Earth’s Harmony: Recent Paintings by Lauren McKinley Renzetti

June 1- September 7, 2014

Reception June 1 from 12-130pm

View on Sunday Services 1030-12

Or by appointment Mon, Wed or Fri from 10-3pm

This newest series has two main tangents, working with the pulse of the earth and humans through graph making and  painting small parts of the earth from rock’s my husband David has in his collection. Both very different styles but the way things ar e painted is also a link they have in common. The feel of the paint, the way it is directed by  my hand through the brush is very important in both series. The repeated rhythm and pattern making is in harmony with each other.

IMG_1552 IMG_1553 Bumblebee Jasper Fluorite Slab