Abstraction . Is Hard . For me.
-To justify
So I Collect images to paint:
From the world around me, Friends eyes, Nature,
Google is my friend.
Hurray for free Information.
And the imagry-
Sits in my brain percolating.
Many Canvases, gets laid out flat.
I work in series of at least ten at a time
Pencils draw.
Modelling paste and the texture happens, with inclusions of detritus
Then the laying on of the following:
Really wet lightest colours first
almost always in this order
yellow, orange, red , magenta, crimson
then some more contemplation & usually hesitation
then cool colours greens, blues
more pondering
then tertiaries ochre, brown
then highs and lows of white & black
then the paintings sit waiting for me-
to be happy with it.
finally a glossy UV protectant, four coats at least in all directions
a hanging system gets put on
lastly, signing on the back
telling the story & possible orientations of this work
September 2013